Our work


Virtual Classroom

Male school pupil avatar

Training teachers in the developing world

The Task

Ericsson supports Connect to Learn, an initiative providing education for those in the developing world. When they needed a way to help their teachers practise before they went in front of a real class, we created a fully interactive VR experience called Virtual Classroom – a training tool that helps test key skills and build confidence.

The Outcome

The CGI experience uses aspects of gamification to monitor and assess the user’s performance in real time – including the volume and tone of their voice, how often they make eye contact with students and how frequently they move around the class. Optimised to work with multiple languages, the tool runs on mobile VR headsets – making the experience easy to transport and use for people who haven’t had access to VR before. It was featured at Ericsson’s Mobile World Congress 2018 as a taster before the launch of the full classroom.

Do you have a message you want to convey? A situation that needs simulating, or an audience that needs reaching? Whatever your challenge – we have the ideas, the experience, and the equipment to help.

What’s your challenge?

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+44 (0)1603 620562

+44 (0)1603 620562