Our work

The Forest Trust

Virtual Rurality

a cross section of palm tree log

Life on the ground

The Task

The Forest Trust (TFT) runs an initiative called Rurality, which works with oil palm farmers in developing countries. With the oil palm industry contributing to the deforestation of the rainforests, this is important work to help the farmers become sustainable – while helping protect their livelihoods too. TFT wanted a way to demonstrate this work, while showing their big clients such as Nestle what life is like at the very start of the supply chain.

The Outcome

We proposed a 360º film that guides the viewer through the processes of farming and milling oil palm – showing how Rurality helps weave a closer relationship between the farmers and the millworkers, encouraging collaboration for a smoother process. The film follows Rurality, as well as a farmer, estate manager and the MD of the plantation itself as they tell their stories – immersing viewers in plantation life in Ghana. Used at events worldwide, including in Cameroon and Nigeria, the film has been very well-received.

A man filming in a jungle with a 360 degree camera whilst locals take turns viewing footage in a VR headset
a man in a jungle wearing a VR headset

Do you have a message you want to convey? A situation that needs simulating, or an audience that needs reaching? Whatever your challenge – we have the ideas, the experience, and the equipment to help.

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+44 (0)1603 620562

+44 (0)1603 620562