Our work

Workspace Learning 360º

Norwich University of the Arts

Virtual work experience

The Task

Students at Norwich University of the Arts (NUA) can study a wide-range of creative industry subjects, from fashion communications to game design. However, accessing work experience placements can sometimes be challenging, meaning many students don’t get the chance to experience a professional setting before they graduate. That’s where we came in. We joined forces with NUA to create two interactive virtual work experience films as an extension to their Guardian award-winning Profile Careers project – giving students a taste of two different creative industries.

The Process

We created two interactive 360º films: one set on a fashion shoot and another in a creative studio. In each film, the user is a work experience or intern character who gets given a series of tasks throughout the day. The choices they make provide opportunities for learning as well as influencing the day’s events – helping show students the impact they could have. What’s more, we made the experience as realistically challenging as possible – introducing tension and problems that arise in day-to-day working, from colleagues snapping at each other to difficult client feedback. Each experience was tailored towards a set of profiled workplace skills set by NUA – prompting group discussion after the experience and helping students gain a greater understanding of life in the workplace.

Do you have a message you want to convey? A situation that needs simulating, or an audience that needs reaching? Whatever your challenge – we have the ideas, the experience, and the equipment to help.

What’s your challenge?

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+44 (0)1603 620562

+44 (0)1603 620562