Creative technology is a fast-moving, future-focussed industry. So we’re always interested in the rising stars and next generation of creative thinkers.

Meet Brad Rumble.
In June 2024, as part of our partnerships with local higher education providers, we were proud to sponsor the ‘Best Use of Creative Technology’ award at Norwich University of the Arts. Brad’s piece was the winning work – an exceptional example of boundary-pushing ambition, inventive use of tech and original, creative thinking.
He came in to tell us about his process:

Lorna is a creative copywriter by trade with a keen interest in the power of storytelling. She has been writing a multitude of copy for over 12 years – starting off in journalism before switching to agency life, then immersive tech, then eventually freelancing for clients around the country, then back to immersive tech again (can't keep away). She’s written for Howden, Barclaycard, Aviva, Mazda, Disney and more – as well as penning many a script & storyboard for our clients too of course.